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First-Party Data

Following privacy laws including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and new regulations on data collection from companies like Apple with the implementation of iOS 14.5—questions about first-party data and how brands and advertisers use this data for marketing have become increasingly more common. While these questions arise—advertisers are actually leaning more in towards using first-party data but in more privacy-centric manners. In fact, at least 88% of marketers believe collecting first party data is valuable (Merkle, Consumer Engagement Report 2021). Identity resolution and data management platforms like LiveRamp are leading the charge in leveraging the usage of this first party data for cross-device targeting that also complies with evolving practices around privacy.

Once the first party data is onboarded, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is anonymized and mapped to an online digital profile for that user. In a privacy-first manner, advertisers and brands can then market directly to those users via unique identifiers without ever having to worry about infringing on the user’s privacy. Among other tactics, this first party data can also be used for:

• CRM Retargeting — Reach and promote products and services to current customers through various online channels.
• Lookalike Modeling — Build custom lookalike audiences based on your most high-value customers.
• Audience Suppression — Exclude or suppress audiences from digital marketing campaigns.
• Cross-Channel Targeting/Segmentation — Reach prospects across multiple channels or segment audiences based on things like product association.
• Personalization — Tailor messaging, creative or promotions towards individuals or cohorts.

Given the number of direct integrations already available with popular marketing channels such as The Trade Desk and Google—data management platforms like LiveRamp will be well positioned to provide cross-channel solutions without the loss of measurement or attribution. As we approach this new phase of people-based marketing, our first party data will continue to become more vital.